Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Rice Flour Cupcakes

This recipe is adapted from the NYT. Instead of making a poundcake, I made cupcakes. This made a lovely Sunday brunch for me before working in the garden. Also, I found rice flower easier to find during this COVID 19 pandemic.

Here's what you'll need:
Paper muffin cups
4 tablespoons butter
4 tablespoons coconut oil
1 1/2 cups white rice flour
1/4 teaspoon baking powder
1/4 teaspoon baking soda
1/4 teaspoon fine sea salt

1/4 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
1 cup granulated sugar (I like the organic sugar from either Costco or Trader Joe's)
2 large eggs, room temperature
1/3 cup sour cream
2/3 cup unsweetened coconut milk or coconut cream
2 teaspoons vanilla bean paste* 
*or substitute vanilla with 1 Tablespoon of tequila and the zest of 1 lemon and 1/2 lemon juice  (1 Tablespoon-ish of lemon juice)

Preheat oven at 350 degrees. Place paper muffin  cups in a muffin tin. Melt coconut oil and butter in a small saucepan over low heat. Combine rice flour, baking powder and soda, salt and pepper in a bowl and whisk to blend. Using a Kitchen Aid or electric hand mixer, blend coconut oil, butter, and sugar at medium speed until fluffy. Add eggs until creamed and slowly add flour mixture. Add sour cream, then coconut milk or cream and vanilla. 

Fill muffin cups with batter. Bake about 35-40 minutes until golden and a toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean. Cool cupcakes on a wire rack.

Bon Appetite!
Lemon tequila are so good too!

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Devilishly good eggs

I celebrated my 1st Easter solo this year. I missed being with my family, but it was also liberating to not follow any schedule. This gave me more time to focus on making deviled eggs which I haven't made in more than a decade. I had forgotten how easy they are to whip up - literally. With more time on my hands, I got creative and looked at what I had in my garden and refrigerator for toppings.

Depending on how many people will be enjoying your devilish good deviled eggs, here's what you'll need:

* 4-12 eggs (I prefer the taste and smell of free range which I purchase get at my Farmers Market, Trader Joe's, etc.) 
* Wet (the kind you keep in your frig. after opening) + dry mustard
* Mayonaise
* Salt & pepper

In a small pan or pot fill approximately 2/3 full of water so that the eggs will be covered in water. Place the pan on your stovetop and gently add the eggs. Add a pinch or two of salt to the water. Turn heat to medium. You want to bring the water to a boil but not a vigorous one; from when I turned on the stovetop to when I drained the water from the pan and added ice for an ice bath, it was 20 minutes. The ice bath for the eggs will help make them peel easier. 

Peel and rinse the eggs. With a cutting board and sharp knife, slice the eggs in half vertically - so top to bottom. Have a small glass bowl handy to put the yolks into. The hard boiled whites can be placed on a plate or a deviled egg plate like my granny's that I used.

You want to add dry and wet mustard, salt and mayo. It's better to start with less and add more because you don't want the egg yolk filling runny. For 5 eggs, I added 1 teaspoon of dried mustard, 2 1/2 teaspoons of wet mustard, 1/2 teaspoon of salt, and 2-3 Tablespoons of mayo. I use a hand whisk to whip the filling, but a fork will work. You want to get the filling as creamy as possible with no or minimal you lumps. 

Taste the filling before you stuff the eggs to make sure you have the right balance for your tastebuds. The toppings are accessories and add flavorful layers - but the base needs to be delicious to build on.

I went with toppings that were either Italian or Mexican food influenced. So fennel greens, capers, cilantro, rosemary blossoms and leaves, arugula leaves and blossoms, various dried chili powders, fresh mushroom and truffle salt. Use what you have and like to eat together but instead of on pasta or a tortilla, you're using your deviled eggs.

Bon appetite!

Friday, April 3, 2020

Cootie Killer Cocktail

Nothing like a pandemic to add to everyone's already fairly stressful lives. I've been staying in place for three weeks now and have at least another four weeks ahead. I do like to cook and eat so I've been going through my cupboards, frig, and freezers to see what I can find and use to limit grocery deliveries and going out to the supermarket. 

I highly recommend local farmers markets if you have one - or when one opens near you for the season. Not only is local grown food I think better for you, but you're also supporting your local economy and fewer people are in the supply chain. Another bonus is I've found the selection and supply fantastic. (You might also look at your local Asian and Hispanic produce markets.)

Here's what you'll need for this Cootie Killer Cocktail:
* Gin or Vodka 
* 3 washed, squeezed oranges
* Unsweetened mineral water
* Optional - Cointreau

I use a highball or water glass to serve. Add 2-3 shots-1/4 cup gin or vodka, orange juice, and fill remaining space in the glass with mineral water. Allow room for ice. This can also be shaken with the ice if you have a cocktail shaker. Optional - 1 shot of Cointreau.

Do not use or add corn syrup or sugar to this cocktail. Sugar is known to empare the immune system. Also, no artificial sweeteners so you want to go totally natural with this cocktail. The Vitamin C in the oranges is also good for your immune system.

And if you're only using alcohol on your exterior right now and not in you interior, this is also delicious without the gin or vodka. 

Cheers and be well!